
Become a Certified Medical Administrative Assistant Online

医疗行政助理在任何医疗团队中都扮演着重要的角色, 经常处理各种有助于病人流动的组织任务. 这门100%的在线课程将帮助你成为一名合格的医疗行政助理(CMAA)。, as designated by the National Healthcareer Association (NHA).

Job Outlook for Certified Medical Administrative Assistants

  • 医疗保健领域是当今职业发展机会最多的领域之一. 在医疗保健领域,医疗助理是最抢手的专业人员之一. The U.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)估计,到2032年,医疗助理的职位空缺将增加15%. This is four times the expected average growth for all jobs.
  • Medical assistants earn $37,190 per year, or $17.88 per hour on average, according to data from BLS.

Certified Medical Administrative Assistant FAQ

According to the NHA, 医疗行政助理主要在医疗实践或医疗机构的“前台”工作. 他们的职责可能包括协调实践通信, maintaining files, and scheduling appointments.

临床医疗助理主要处理临床程序和病人护理, 医疗行政助理负责组织工作, such as scheduling, managing records, and checking in patients.

医疗环境的繁荣有赖于专业、精确和对患者福利的奉献. 许多工作可能需要医疗助理证书. Earning a CMAA establishes a medical assistant as a caring, 负责任的专业人员,经过学习和评估计划,以验证其证书. 全美医疗协会估计,75%的雇主要求或鼓励医疗行政助理获得认证.

Medical assistants commonly work in medical practices, such as physicians’ offices, outpatient clinics, and other healthcare facilities, according to the BLS.

Course Objectives

  • 准备参加注册医疗行政助理(CMAA)考试.
  • 掌握多任务处理,因为它与安排约会有关, processing insurance requests, maintaining records, and corresponding with patients.
  • Learn best financial practices for a medical center.
  • 掌握医在线赌博推荐语和道德最佳实践的基础知识.
  • 了解处理医疗文档、医疗账单和编码流程的基础知识.
  • Opportunity to participate in unpaid work experience.

Prerequisites and Requirements

There are no prerequisites to take the course.


  • Introduction to Medical Assisting
  • 电信,书面通信,计算机和医疗办公环境
  • Patient Scheduling and Managing Medical Records
  • Medical Insurance and Coding
  • The Revenue Cycle
  • Pharmacology Fundamentals
  • Workplace Readiness


Hilary Khouri has 10 years of experience in the medical field. After college, 她的医疗生涯始于在一家集团诊所的前台处理日常行政工作. 她的医疗经验还包括在一家医疗咨询公司工作, 除了进行风险调整编码外,她还审查了电子健康记录的完整性,并对供应商进行了文件改进方面的培训. 她拥有宾夕法尼亚印第安纳大学的时尚营销学士学位,是阿拉巴马大学的认证计费和编码专家(CBCS).

 LaTisha Cottingham has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry. 她在医疗计费和编码以及医疗辅助领域有六年的教学经验. 目前,她在阿拉巴马州的一家长期护理机构担任HIM分析师. 此前,她曾担任当地职业研究所联合卫生部门的首席讲师. LaTisha的专业领域是基于医生的住院病人编码和急诊科编码. 她持有的证书如下:注册卫生信息技术员(RHIT), a Certified Professional Coder (CPC), and a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA). In preparation for ICD-10-CM, LaTisha获得了美国健康信息协会(AHIMA)颁发的ICD-10-CM/PCS培训师证书, where she is currently a member. LaTisha也是美国专业编码学会(AAPC)和国家医疗保健协会(NHA)的成员,她是NHA的考试监考员.

Carline Dalgleish 在医务室行政部门工作超过30年. 她拥有商业信息系统学士学位, a master’s degree in Leadership, 并获得卫生信息管理学士学位证书. 她是注册卫生信息管理员和AHIMA批准的ICD-10-CM/PCS培训师. 达格利什是ICD-10编码系统的作者,她还拥有自己的咨询公司, AnnGrant Educational Services.

Lydia S. Stewart他目前在一家大型区域医疗中心担任收入周期经理. Lydia has been a Registered Nurse for 23 years, 其中15年专门从事重症监护护理和监督. She is responsible for Medical Audits, Charge Capture, and governmental compliance audits and reviews. Lydia是路易斯安那州医疗审计师协会和医疗保健财务管理协会(HFMA)的成员。.

Bunny Reeves 是纽约布鲁克林迈蒙尼德医疗中心的高级门诊手术编码员. 她在迈蒙尼德医疗中心(Maimonides Medical Center)培训学生编码员,之前在斯塔顿岛(Staten Island)的St. Vincent Medical Center. Reeves is a Certified Coding Specialist, 由美国健康信息管理协会(AHIMA)认证.

Stacey O’Brien 有10年以上医疗编码和报销经验. Ms. 奥布莱恩一直是医疗保险优势计划的风险调整编码器, audited medical records for a consulting firm, 目前负责监督一个团体医疗实践的编码和电子索赔提交流程. 她拥有匹兹堡大学的学士学位和AAPC的CPC编码认证.

Registration and Enrollment

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